Tuesday, July 22, 2008

These Pictures show some of the visits to 7 villages of the Amerindians.
These people remind us so much of the natives back home. They are Lamanites for sure!!!
We were able to deliver some farm equipment to them by plane, as this is the only way to get this equipment to them. Farming is their livelihood, so this was a great thing for them. They live very close to Brazil, in fact they can walk 6 hours and be in Brazil and they do it to have babies and to get some supplies. After we delivered the equipment the last village had a small store, and there were about 130 kids watching for the plane to land, we decided to buy the kids a treat from the store... We bought it out!!! we gave the kids a drink and a snack, which we learned later, they had not had a treat like this since last Christmas. We met some nice people there, they are very polite, and small, kind of bashful and smart.. We talked to many of them and one was a Village Captain ( Chief) that we made friends with. We hope we can return.. it was an amazing day for us.


KT2 said...

Wow - Great photo's! Beautiful children. An unforgettable experience! Keep up the good work Mom and Dad! We love you!

Chelle said...

Can I just say...WOW! I'm going to have to check your blog more often! I'm awe-inspired! You two aren't going to want to come home! You're making a difference in people's life, for sure! Way to BE!!!