Sunday, November 4, 2007

Some serious TROOPERS!

We've gotten a few emails from Mom and Dad and talked with Mom on the phone the other day. Boy do we miss them. They are such TROOPERS! Mission life is certainly not easy right now. It sounds like they are living in a pretty primitive area with a lot of crime. And on top of all of that, they are expected to be computer geniuses. Dad we admire you for even trying....I find myself wishing they were serving in some safe stateside mission...Nauvoo, Washington, or Idaho. Hmmm. I am so grateful that I know the Lord is looking out for them and keeping them safe. We Love You MOM AND DAD!

Here's some of the latest updates from some emails I've gotten...

Mom says...

It has been so hectic and busy with all our moves and no internet..I have really missed our communication. It hasn't been as easy for me as I thought.I realize I'm not as strong as I thought I was!! but I'm going to make it!!! Our apartment is ok. Many things don't work very well butour landlord is very nice and is going to see that things are fixed.It wasn't very clean and I have been scrubbing cupboards. Things are going to work out and we are going to be very busy...I can tell!There are so many people we can help!!It's a bit overwhelming with all the paper and computer work that hasto be done. I don't mind the's if we can remember how to do everything. Honestly, it's like we are running a business. There's alot to do and of course, working with church money! After we have donea couple of projects completely through, I think it will be easier!

Dad says...

We have signed up for DSL.. but it will take a week or so,, at least, but can still use this computer in our office right now.. slow and close to giving up the ghost, so I'm trying to make my flsh drives work,,any suggestions.. I'm so glad you two got to visit for a few days in Beijing.. that was a classic thing to do,, we are so happy you two could do it. We are so struggling, every morning we look for a reason to head to Utah.. and then we have an exp. that tells us to hang in there,, we have seen and exp. so so much already.. but this operating a business when you can't even keep your own Personal affairs in order is a BIG order..I hope we can survive all we have to do in the next while,, as we have so many requests and that does't count ALL of the ones we have to finish and pursue, that we inherited.. so other than that.. Mom fixed and cleaned and cleaned our place so it is spartan, but adequate... guess what this morning was.. before church.. at 7 this morning we went to theSenior Citizens housing,, you could not even believe it... and we helped serve them a special breakfast,, put on by oneof our favorite ladies, who we have and will work with a ton.. she is a member of Parliment ,and runs a school for needy kids, and is the number two person in the opposition party here in Guyana.. and we have a project going with the1st Lady of Guyana.. we have to devide our help. as there is politics nationalities, to deal with too.. anyway...Mom served FISH sandwichs this morning,,, last night we were at a senior citizens nite movie, and treats, and the movie was shown in the daylite, and what a deal... 15th cent. living... horse carts on the road,,, they have total right away even with the crazey bus/van drivers... this place is amazing.. only a few red lights, ( nobody obeys) and no street signs, and all of this in the last few years.. and the roads.. just wide enough for a horse/mule drawn cart.. and then a brand new RAV 4 ddrives by, or a big Toy. Truck . and then I have to drive on the left side of the road, and the Steering wheel is of course on the right side of the car too.I must quit murmuring huh.. anyway,, I' m way to old and dumb for this job.. but We are going to give it a couple of months,, we have to as our bank account here is something else to.. the drivers licence, the utilities, are so bureautic.. like in Midvale when I was 10 years old.. We went to a Hardware store to buy acouple of things, a padalock for one ( we have at least 3 locks on every door, ourgate, with razor contintine currled wire all around.. and the neighbors,have armed gaurds 24 hours. and there was a guy killed two nights ago and two others shot a week ago here in our area,, and we live in a nice area.. , it took four people to check us out of the hardware store... you pick out what you want (caged) then take a number to the cashier,(caged) and she gives you three receipts, and puts a stamp on each one and then stamps ( rubber stamp ) each again and then you go to the next place and give them your receipts, and she checks every thing you bought, and then walk two feet and a guy checks all of the sacks contents,and then marks the receipts one more time and then you walk out,,, past an armed (shotgun) guy,, to your car... this is in the day light too. enough today... we love you guys,, I might move to England or Hong Kong as I get better on these roads.. but there are no rules \here on theroad... But the Gospel is true, and these members are so new in the gospel but have neat stories, and there are two sets of Elders in the Branch we attend/// Love yaDAd

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